Financial Hardship Debt Management

What is a Hardship Application?

If a consumer contacts a credit provider and indicates they are experiencing financial hardship, the credit provider is under a legal obligation to offer assistance.

Finance Credit Contracts Creditors

Can a Credit Contract Be Renegotiated?

Can a credit contract be re-negotiated? In many cases the answer is yes. When a credit contract is entered into, the details of the agreement are documented and agreed on by the associated parties.


Know Your Options Before Declaring Bankruptcy

Unfortunately, declaring bankruptcy comes with all kinds of consequences and stigmas. Before declaring, you’ll want to consider all your options.

Budget Tips Tips For Families

Budgeting Tips For The Holidays

Giving gifts, traveling to see extended family, entertaining friends and coworkers during holiday parties and spending quality time with those closest to us all define the holiday season. Unfortunately, each of these otherwise enjoyable activities can make a substantial dent to anyone’s bank account and can quickly derail even a financially savvy person’s pristine budget.

Debt Management Creditors Financial Hardship

Why a Debt Agreement is Better Than Bankruptcy

When people are faced with extreme amounts of debt and don’t have enough funds to repay all of these debts, the most common thing they do is declare bankruptcy. However, recent figures show that Australians are favouring debt agreement more than bankruptcy due to its obvious less extreme consequences.

Credit Contracts Creditors Financial Counselling

We Know the Law and Your Legal Rights

Financial hardship is an isolating experience that has left many Australians in doubt of themselves. This is further amplified when people struggling with their debts are bombarded with inconsistent information from creditors about their legal rights. This is where Just Budget can help. The experienced team at Just Budget are experts in financial law and […]

Debt Management Financial Hardship Tips For Families

BOOM or BUST: Mining Families Trying To Avoid Bankruptcy

The gold rush of the mining boom is coming to an end as many families and individuals seek financial assistance to avoid bankruptcy. Their 6-figure salaries were the envy of their friends less than 12 months ago, but as the cash river dries up in the mining sector many families and individuals that were previously […]