When credit cards get out of control and you don't know where to turn, talk to Just Budget.
When credit cards get out of control and you don't know where to turn, talk to Just Budget.
The last thing you want hanging over you is mounting debt that feels like you will never be able to repay it. Credit card debt causes a lot of anxiety for many people. It can feel as if your credit card debts are growing out of control and that you are trapped. And more and more Australians are feeling that weight.
When you owe money on your credit cards your finances can feel out of control. There are ways to pay off credit cards faster, save money and reduce money worries.
The goal of the Just Budget debt management system is to help our clients deal with credit card companies, to lower the payout figure, reduce or stop interest and develop a plan that is affordable for their financial circumstances. It all starts with our exclusive Just Budget Planner.
It’s important to feel as if you are moving forward. With multiple cards, credit and store cards, all with large balances and sky-high interest rates, you can feel as if you are going backwards, often for good reason.
Some people even use one card to pay off another card, but that can spiral out of control, leaving you in worse financial shape than before.
As with all things, there are solutions. Just Budget specialise in reducing debt, helping people manage their payments and planning and effective and sustainable budget and payment plan that works.
Don’t struggle and stress about your financial situation any longer. One call to Just Budget could change your life and provide you with the relief you need. Imagine how it would feel to wake up every morning and not worry about how you are going to pay your bills. Imagine never feeling scared to answer the phone or open your mail again.
Right now is a difficult time for so many Australians. With massive unemployment, reduced working hours and an uncertain future, credit card debt is the last thing you want to worry about.
There is no need to feel embarrassed or helpless because we are here to help, whatever your situation, there is always a way forward.
With Just Budget, we can offer the best support to so you can learn strong financial habits, and we can help find a way to pay off that credit card debt.
Just Budget can work with the credit card companies and manage the debt on your behalf, so you can get on with living again, minus the stress. No more annoying or stressful phone calls, no more scary letters.
If you don’t qualify for a debt consolidation loan, we work tirelessly to find alternative solutions. There are options out there that won’t be detrimental to your ability to borrow in the future. Just Budget are specialists in developing informal payment arrangements that mean you don’t have to resort to a Part IX Agreement. We believe that Debt Agreements are a last resort as a Part 9 Loan Agreement is part of the Bankruptcy Act and not an action to be taken lightly. We want to help you out of debt and be able to look forward to a bright financial future. In most cases, an informal debt arrangement can be a clearer way forward.
If you think you are alone battling with credit card debt, think again. According to finder.com there are a massive 13,630,276 credit cards in Australia as of November 2020, netting a national debt accruing interest of $21.2 billion.
The average credit card balance for Australians is $2,936 with the annual spending on credit cards in 2020 being $29,650,949,374. Yes, that’s billions, not millions.
The standard credit card interest rate in 2020 was 19.94%.
According to Finder’s latest Consumer Sentiment Tracker data, 68% of Australians say they have a credit card, with younger generations slightly more likely to have additional cards.
When you realise you have a problem with your credit card debt don’t bury your head in the sand. By ignoring or missing payments you run the risk of impairing your credit score, which can have long-lasting effects.
The key to getting back in control is to go through your current budget to see where your money is going, where you can save and what you can afford to pay.
Just Budget has an exclusive budget planner at the core of what we do. This is our starting point. And it is absolutely free to use. How you proceed after that is up to you. We encourage you to talk to us, so we can help negotiate a payment plan, lower your interest or even lower the balance due, without you having to deal with the credit card companies yourself. For more information, enquire today. Enquiring with us will have no impact on your credit file and our first consultation is obligation free. Our expert consultants will talk you through your options and point you in the right direction.
"My credit cards get so out of control. I was using cards to pay off other cards and was too embarrassed to reach out. I was so happy that I called the caring guys at Just Budget as they helped me with the card companies and to get the debt back to payments I could afford. Thanks to them, I didn't have to deal with the card companies, as Just Budget did all that for me."
Lesley W - Balgowlah NSW
Just Budget Pty Ltd is a well-respected company specialising in debt management. Our primary goal is to remove the pressure from our clients and help Australians take back control of their finances.