Take Control of Your

Personal Loans

Are your personal loans stacking up and making you feel overwhelmed? Don't worry, our personal loan management could literally change your life.

fast and easy personal loans

Personal Loan Management

Just Budget Debt Support

Tidy up your debts

Just Budget could help to organise, reduce and maintain your debt commitments so you can breathe easy again.


What are personal loans?

Personal loans are great if you need finance for a specific reason. This could be to buy a car, get dental work, consolidate debt or finance a holiday.

Unlike credit cards, personal loans are usually a secured form of finance.

Even if all of your personal loans are secured against a personal asset, Just Budget could still help to put you onto a debt relief plan to manage these debts.

While credit cards can be paid off at your own pace, personal loans come with a set repayment plan which is where things can sometimes become complicated. Some people apply for more loans than they can handle and before long, your debts are out of control.

Personal Loan Management Benefits

With the help of Just Budget, you could benefit from:

  • A clear repayment structure to make budgeting easier
  • No more harassment from creditors (we take them away)
  • Just one repayment each week/fortnight/month (your choice)
  • Lower repayments depending on what you can afford
  • And many more. Find out about informal debt arrangements here.
business debt consolidation

Personal Loan Management Application Process

Apply Online

Our easy online application form takes minutes to complete and has no impact on your credit history.

Talk to Us

After assessing your application, we will contact you to discuss your finance needs and circumstances.